Serendipity Strikes: Part Two
The Golden Years
In our last blog post, Serendipity Strikes: Part I, we learned of the twist and turns and coincidences that transpired between two 9-year-old girls who became acquainted in grade school. Now in their 80’s, Marge and Merle were determined to maintain control over their future.
Merle’s Move
Merle found that maintaining the pool, landscaping, and home repairs were becoming a burden to her family. Merle made the difficult, but responsible decision to give up driving as her Parkinson’s progressed. Merle began to consider her options. A traditional apartment would not relieve her of her inability to get to the grocery store. Nor would it get her to appointments. It also wouldn’t help with social isolation, so Merle ruled that out.
Over the Labor Day weekend of 2016, Merle began to move her belongings into an apartment at an Independent Senior Living Community which offered Enriched Living Services as well. Ashton Place was the solution. Offering spacious, modern apartments adjoining the common areas, everything was available in a heartbeat. For example, door to door, chauffeured transportation services for appointments, shopping and events outside of Ashton Place was an enormous draw for Merle. The idea of seeking out companionship at the coffee bar; the emotional nutrient derived from dining with others, but leaving the food prep and clean up for the staff; the empowerment of having both privacy within the walls of her apartment and getting help with the push of a button or a quick phone call was the icing on the cake!
Marge’s Move
Marge, now living full time in Friendly Village, found it frustrating to maintain her home and to find dependable contractors to assist her. Although she still felt confident in continuing to drive, she began to feel isolated and stressed. Marge also ruled out the option of living in a traditional apartment since it would solve the problem of her being socially isolated. So finding Ashton Place, just 5 miles away was the answer to her prayers. Marge signed on the dotted line, picked out her apartment and set a date to move over the Labor Day weekend.
Serendipity Strikes
Moving day arrived and Marge serendipitously recognized a name on the resident roster. She was happy to learn that she knew someone who lived at Ashton Place.
Meanwhile, Merle and her children were busy hanging pictures, arranging furniture, organizing the kitchen and making her apartment her “home” at Ashton Place. A knock on the door was a welcome break. Merle opened the door to greet a vaguely familiar face. “Are you Merle TEMPLE Mohr?”
“As a matter of fact, I am!” There stood an old friend from 4th grade at the Marion Central School. “I’m your new neighbor, Marge HERMENET DeWind! In fact, I’m moving two doors down the hall!”
Both Marge and Merle were delighted that their paths had crossed yet again and quickly became the close friends they were destined to be. In fact, they became dinner buddies and dine together every evening. In addition, both participate in several activities with the other residents. “Who would have thought we’d be playing kickball, volleyball, and bowling in our 80’s! We are very happy here – it was meant to be.”